Swami Prakashanand Saraswati’s Q&A: Controlling Anger & Cultivating Devotion

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, a revered spiritual teacher, guides seekers on the path of devotion with profound wisdom. His teachings emphasize the importance of surrendering to Radha Krishn and cultivating divine love. In this enlightening Q&A session, he addresses common struggles devotees face, including how to controlour anger and maintain devotion in daily life.

Questions & Answers with Swamiji

Question: How does a devotee subside unwanted feelings of anger?

Answer: The seed of anger, lust, jealousy, and hatred always exists in the mind until God’s realization. They are all suppressed by devotional thoughts. When you do not have devotional thoughts, these emotions come up.

When you are angry never make decisions or take action. Wait for a few hours, get settled, then decide what to do. When you get angry, change the situation. Go to the kitchen, go away from the other person, read our books or watch our videos, or do a few minutes of chanting.

Question:  What can you recommend for the times when it is hard to feel devotional?

Answer: It depends on what situation you are in. If you are in the office, or outside, if you don’t feel devotional then don’t try too hard to feel devotional. First just fully relax your mind, then slowly bring your mind towards the leelas of Radha and Krishn. All the time try to keep the name in your heart. That’s important.

Remembrance of the name of Radha and Krishn has to be done all the time, as much as possible, so even if you have less or more feeling, yet you can remember the name in your heart with the hope that your devotional feelings will come again soon.


Swami Prakashanand Saraswati’s insights remind us that true devotion requires perseverance, patience, and a conscious effort to keep Radha Krishn in our hearts. By practicing self-restraint and continuously remembering Their divine names, one can overcome mental distractions and strengthen their bhakti.

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